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Any Book Book Club

What It Is and FAQ

The Any Book Book Club is the easiest book club around!

There is no assigned book to read - we get together and discuss what we've been reading and what we plan to read next.

Who can join in? Any BCIT students, staff, faculty or alumni are welcome.

How often do you meet, and when? Monthly, and usually the first Thursday of the month, from 12:30 - 1:30, although sometimes we adjust, especially at busy times, like the start of term. Check here for meeting dates.

Do I have to sign up? Meetings held via Zoom require you to email for a Zoom link. In-person meetings are drop-in, no sign up or registration is required.

What if I can only come for part of the meeting? No problem, we're very casual and it's okay to come late and leave early.

Do I have to talk? Nope, it's fine to just come and listen.

What kinds of books do you talk about? It depends who shows up! But you can browse a list of last year's favourites as well as the titles we talked about at previous meetings.


Some of our faves from last year