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Research Data: Data Storage & Repositories

What's the Difference Between Data Storage and Data Repositories?

Data Storage

  • Data Storage is where you keep your data during and after your project. Data Storage options include external hard drives, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, and other services.

Data Repositories

  • A Data Repository is a storage space that aims to preserve and provide long-term access to Research Data. The general goal of repositories is that their Research Data is Open.
  • A data repository may be associated with a discipline, an institution, a consortium, a publisher, or other organizations. 

Do I need Data Storage or a Data Repository?

  • If your goal is to make your data Open and accessible to other researchers, then you are looking for a Data Repository.
  • If you want a place to keep your data after your project is finished but you don't want to share your data you're looking for Data Storage.

Curation and Preservation

Digital Curation is the selection, preservation, maintenance, collection and archiving of digital assets.

Digital Preservation is a set of activities required to make sure digital objects can be located, rendered, used and understood in the future.

For more information on these you can check out our page on Digital Curation and Preservation.

Data Repositories at BCIT

BCIT does NOT currently have a research data repository, though we are currently looking into our options. Please contact us if you need help finding a data repository.

FRDR (Federated Research Data Repository)

  • We currently recommend BCIT researchers use FRDR.
  • Before using FRDR you need to set up a Globus account. You should be able to create a Globus account using your BCIT login information. This page has all the information you need to create an account.

cIRcuit: BCIT's Institutional Repository

  • Depending on your type of project and data we may be able to include it in our repository. (No promises though!)

Research Data Repositories and Resources

Online Data Storage Options