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Indigenous Studies & Resources

A subject guide of Indigenous studies & resources.

What is Indigenous Knowledge?

Using the BCIT Library

Search the collections at BCIT Library for resources of your interest. 

Indigenous Peoples and their knowledge have often been left out or undervalued in traditional Western research methods. One method to address this systemic prejudice is through incorporating Indigenous authors in research by reading and citing their work. It is important to note that information is organized comes from a Western point of view, so you might have to use outdated or offensive terminology when searching for resources about Indigenous peoples.

Keyword Search

Merge keywords associated with Indigenous identity and research methods with keywords associated with your field of interest. Use Subject Area to further refine your search. 

Here are examples of keywords: Inuit, Secwépemc, Métis

Here are some examples of subject areas: language, education, healthcare, geography

You can combine keywords with subject areas using operators to further refine your search. 


Métis AND language 

The topic Search Tips contains additional pointers to help you find Indigenous literature. Searching requires practice, and with time, you will be able to write search queries that give you useful results. 

Primary & Secondary Sources

Primary sources are firsthand materials or documents. In Indigenous studies, a primary source could be a firsthand record of an event, typically produced at or shortly after the event.

Here are some examples of primary sources: 

  • Diaries
  • Original documents, such as birth certificates
  • Government documents
  • Speeches
  • Interviews
  • Letters
  • Archives
  • Manuscripts
  • Video recordings
  • Audio recordings

A secondary source is an interpretation, analysis, or commentary on a primary source.

Some examples include: 

  • Textbooks.
  • Encyclopedias
  • Newspapers
  • Biographies
  • Essays
  • Stories 
  • Films

Useful Databases

Explore the Archives

Library and Archives Canada Indigenous history: LACs archival heritage material related to represents First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation.
INDIGENOUS ARCHIVES COLLECTIVE The archive aims to connect researchers, students, and other people working with Indigenous knowledge sources in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums in Australia and internationally.
Indigenous history LAC's archival heritage material related to represents First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation. 
BCIT Archives BCIT's archive that provides access to digitized photographs, full-text searchable newsletters, articles, and other resources. 
Royal BC Museum's Indigenous Collections Collection related to Indigenous materials that the Royal BC Museum holds. 
UBCIC's Digital Collections A collection of research and informational materials related to Indigenous works.