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Cardiology Technology: Multimedia

Streaming Videos

  • New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) videos -- Videos on clinical medicine and more
  • Kanopy -- Popular, and world films and documentaries
  • Open Educational Resources created by BC post-secondary faculty and staff Open Access -- Available at BCcampus
  • Criterion on demand -- Criterion-on-Demand is a streaming video collection that includes a large number of feature film producers, including, but not limited to: Paramount Pictures, Paramount Vantage, Mongrel Media, Sony Pictures Classics, Alliance Films, Miramax Films, Warner Brothers, Lionsgate Films, The Weinstein Company, as well as a smaller number of independent producers. The title selections include 1920 classics, new releases, foreign films, literary adaptations, documentaries, animated titles, and independent features.   Permissions include - in-class showings; making clips, linking and embedding in the Learning Hub.   Not available for social showings outside of class. Individual viewing only.
  • Films on Demand collection. -- Nursing streaming videos
  • ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health: -- Contains a diverse mix of resources, including clinical training videos.
  • Health Videos: MedlinePlus Open Access -- "These animated videos show the anatomy of body parts and organ systems and how diseases and conditions affect them."
  • Indigenous Studies Streaming Playlist - First Contact -- First Contact takes six Canadians on a 28-day journey intended to challenge these attitudes and shed a light on the true Indigenous experience. The travelers, all with strong opinions about Indigenous people, have been invited to leave their everyday lives behind and embark on a unique journey, travelling deep into the Indigenous communities throughout Canada.
  • Medcom, Inc. A series of short videos on a wide range of topics from wound care to assessment of respiratory distress to the fundamentals of hand washing.
  • Safetyhub -- SafetyCare streamed video covering a wide selection of topics

Podcasts & Tutorials

Copied from Mohawk College Library

JACC Podcast

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Searching for Images

If you are using images in your assignments:

  • Reference images appropriately, like any other source you use in your paper.
  • Use the style required for your assignment. 
  • Keep track of where you found each one. Copy the website or database link so that you can locate your images again.
  • Search for something that you can reference, instead of a social media feed which usually has no creator information.

Remember: Images found online need proper attribution
