to the BCIT Library!
The purpose of this guide is to help you during your time at BCIT, and to provide an overview of the library resources and services available to BCIT scholars and scholars-to-be interested in this subject area. My name is Ana Maria Ferrinho and I am the librarian responsible for this guide. If you have any research questions or need more help, contact me at or over Teams. |
Nursing in the Library Digital Collections
The digital collections held by the BCIT Library document the history of nursing at BCIT in videos, reports, photographs and other media.
It includes publications by BCIT's nurse researchers: Dissertations/thesis, Open Access Textbooks, Articles (peer-reviewed also), Research papers/projects.
Contact Cindy McLellan by email if you are interested in submitting your own scholarly contributions, and the students projects, to the open access BCIT Institutional Repository.
Research Basics
Off Campus Access
Current students, faculty or staff members can login using MyBCIT or network login. Check our help sheet for tips. For help with login contact the Service Desk at 604-432-8370 or by email. |
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