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Marine Engineering / Nautical Sciences: Books & Ebooks

Reed's Publications in EBook Format

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*All book descriptions are from publishers.

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Ebook Databases

Find eBooks in the following databases...

Knovel ebooks: Ebooks that provide technical information for scientists and engineers across 30 subject areas

Skillsoft Books (formerly Books 24x7): Information Technology and Business related ebooks

Canadian Metalworking: Metals and their properties, metalworking processes, corrosion, welding are covered in detail

CRCnetBASE: Engineering and environmental ebooks

ENGnetBASE: CRC Press engineering handbooks online

EBSCO eBooks: Both downloadable and internet connected ebooks available

EnvironetBase: Access to environmental scientific and technical ebooks

ForensicnetBase: Access to scientific and technical ebooks in the area of forensics

Gale Virtual Reference Library: Includes Business Plans Handbook, Encyclopedia of Emerging Markets, Encyclopedia of Global Brands, MarketShare Reporter and more

Ebook Central: Hundreds of individually selected titles that cover a wide range of curriculum related subjects

Subject Headings

Search the Catalogue to find books and dvds related to your topic. Keyword searches are generally the most effective way to find materials in the Library. Subject searches can also be helpful. Here are some subject headings to get you started:

Electronics in navigation
Marine engineering
Naval architecture
Maritime Law
Ships - Electric equipment
Marine - Diesel motors
Marine - Meteorology
Ships - Cargo

Call Number Areas

Browse the shelves in these key call number areas:


HE 561 - 971     Shipping
HE 730 - 943     Merchant marine. Ocean shipping.  Coastwise shipping.
KZA 1002 - 5205 Law of the sea
QC 855 - 999     Meteorology. Climatology.
VK 1 - 1661       Navigation. Merchant Marine 
VK 549 - 572     Science of navigation 
VK 566 - 597     Marine hydrography. 
VK 798 - 997     Sailing directions. Pilot guides 
VK 1300 – 1491  Saving of life and property
VK 1500 – 1661  Pilots and pilotage
VM 1 – 989        Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering 
VM 311 – 466    Special types of vessels 
VM 595 – 989    Marine engineering