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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

A collection of resources related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Ageisn Explained


Ageism is defined as discrimination or exclusion based on age, generally referring to discrimination against people who are older

Adultism is defined as discrimination or exclusion of young people based on the belief that younger people are less valuable or less capable. 

The World Health Organization calls ageism a "global challenge", linking it to social problems such as isolation, poor health leading to shortened life spans. Ageism is costly for economies, which is why anti-ageism strategies are a must.

Generations can be defined as groups of people born in specific time frames set based on historical events, historic birth rates, and other factors. Generations are often assumed to have similar shared experiences, ideals, and attitudes, leading to the application of generalizations and stereotypes based on generation.

Know your Generations!

People born between 1925 to ~1945.

People of the silent generation were children during the Great Depression and World War II!

People born between ~1946 to 1964 when the birthrate in Canada and other countries grew rapidly after World War II.

Baby boomers make up a large portion of the current workforce and are reaching retirement age

People born between 1965 to 1980, when Canada’s birthrate slowed after the baby boom.

The portion of this generation born between 1966 and 1971 are sometimes referred to as ‘baby busters’.

People born between ~1981 to ~1996.

Millennials are the children of baby boomers and grew up throughout the rise of technology

People born between ~1997 to ~2011.

This generation is most emphasized by the existence of social media throughout their lives.

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