Below are searches performed on various BCIT subscription databases for articles on Simulation, from 2015 and on:
Almost all of the results below are full text, unless otherwise noted.
A special issue entirely devoted to Simulation in Nursing Education. Nurse Education Today (October 2011). 31(7), 645-722.
Alinier, G. (2007). A typology of educationally focused medical simulation tools. Medical Teacher 29(8), e243-50.
Bradley, P. (2006). The history of simulation in medical education and possible future directions. Medical Education, 40(3), 254-262.
Cook, D., Hatala, R., Brydges, R., Zendejas, B., Szostek, J., Wang, A., & ... Hamstra, S. (2011). Technology-Enhanced Simulation for Health Professions Education A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 306(9), 978-988. **(not full text)
Garrett, B., MacPhee, M., & Jackson, C. (2010). High-Fidelity Patient Simulation: Considerations for Effective Learning. Nursing Education Perspectives 31(5), 309-313.
Guhde, J. (2010). Combining Simulation, Instructor-Produced Videos, and Online Discussions to Stimulate Critical Thinking in Nursing Students. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 28(5), 274-279.
Häll, L. O., Söderström, T. T., Ahlqvist, J. J., & Nilsson, T. T. (2011). Collaborative learning with screen-based simulation in health care education: an empirical study of collaborative patterns and proficiency development. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27(5), 448-461. **(not full text)
Hewitt, A., Spencer, S. Mirliss, D. & Twal. R. (2009). Preparing graduate students for virtual world simulations: Exploring the potential of an emerging technology. Innovate 5(6).
Hunt, E., Nelson, K., & Shilkofski, N. (2006). Management & technology. Simulation in medicine: addressing patient safety and improving the interface between healthcare providers and medical technology. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology, 40(5), 399-404.
Hyland, J., & Hawkins, M. (2009). High-fidelity human simulation in nursing education: A review of literature and guide for implementation. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 4(1), 14-21.
Issenberg, S., Pringle, S., Harden, R., Khogali, S., & Gordon, M. (2003). Adoption and integration of simulation-based learning technologies into the curriculum of a UK Undergraduate Education Programme. Medical Education, 37(Supplement 1), 42-49.
Issenberg, S., & Scalese, R. J. (2008). Simulation in health care education. Perspectives in Biology & Medicine, 51(1), 31-46. **(not full text)
Jeffries, P. (2005). A framework for designing, implementing and evaluating: Simulations used as teaching strategies in nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives. 26(2), 96-103.
Jeffries, P. (2005). Technology Trends in Nursing Education: Next Steps. Journal of Nursing Education. 44(1):3-4.
Jones, A., & Hegge, M. (2007). Faculty Comfort Levels with Simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 3(1), e15-e19.
Kardong-Edgren, S., Adamson, K. A., & Fitzgerald, C. (2010, January). A review of currently published evaluation instruments for human patient simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 6, e25-e35.
Larew, C., Lessans, S., Spunt, D., Foster, D., & Covington, B. (2006). Innovations in clinical simulation: Application of Benner’s theory in an interactive patient care simulation. Nursing Education Perspectives, 27(1), 16-21.
Maas, N. A., & Flood, L. (2011). Implementing High-Fidelity Simulation in Practical Nursing Education. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 7(6), e229-e235.
McGaghie, W., Issenberg, S., Petrusa, E., & Scalese, R. (2010). A critical review of simulation-based medical education research: 2003-2009. Medical Education 44(1), 50-63.
McGaghie, W. C., Sidall, V. J., Mazmanian, P. E., & Myers, J. (2009). Lessons for Continuing Medical Education From Simulation Research in Undergraduate and Graduate Medical Education. Chest, Supplement, p62S-68S.
McLaughlin, M. P., Starobin, S. S., & Laanan, F. (2010). Medical Simulation in the Community College Health Science Curriculum: A Matrix for Future Implementation. Community College Journal of Research & Practice, 34(6), 462-476. **(not full text)
Medley, C., & Horne, C. (2005). Using Simulation Technology for Undergraduate Nursing Education. Journal Of Nursing Education, 44(1), 31-34.
Miller, S. (2010). Implications for incorporating simulation in nursing education. The Journal Of Practical Nursing. 60(3), 2-5.
Morgan, P. J., Cleave-Hogg, D., Desousa, S., & Lam-Mcculloch, J. (2006). Applying theory to practice in undergraduate education using high fidelity simulation. Medical Teacher, 28(1), 10-15.
Morgan, P. J.; Cleave-Hogg,( 2005) D. Simulation technology in training students, residents and faculty. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, 18(2), 199-203.
Murray, J. (2010). Walter Reed National Military Medical Center: simulation on the cutting edge. Military Medicine, 175(9), 659-663.
Nehring, W. M., & Lashley, F. R. (2009). Nursing Simulation: A Review of the Past 40 Years. Simulation & Gaming, 40(4), 528-552.
Overstreet, M. (2008). The use of simulation technology in the education of nursing students. The Nursing Clinics Of North America, 43(4), 593-603.
Rystedt, H., & Lindström, B. (2001). Introducing simulation technologies in nurse education: a nursing practice perspective. Nurse Education in Practice, 1(3), 134-141.
Scalese, R. J., Obeso, V. T., & Issenberg, S. (2008). Simulation Technology for Skills Training and Competency Assessment in Medical Education. JGIM: Journal of General Internal Medicine, Supplement 1, Vol. 23(S1), 46-49.
Smith, S., & Roehrs, C. (2009). High-fidelity simulation: factors correlated with nursing student satisfaction and self-confidence. Nursing Education Perspectives, 30(2), 74-78.
Tuoriniemi, P., & Schott-Baer, D. (2008). Implementing a High-Fidelity Simulation Program in a Community College Setting. Nursing Education Perspectives, 29(2), 105-109.
Yeager, S., & Gotwals, B. (2010). Incorporating High-fidelity Simulation Technology into Community Health Nursing Education. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 6(2), e53-e59.
McGill Medical Simulation Centre -- "The Arnold and Blema Steinberg Medical Simulation Centre is an interprofessional centre of excellence using medical simulation to enhance the skills of health care professionals through education, research, evaluation and innovation, thereby improving patient safety and the quality of care."
Critical Care simulations -- Durham College (This 39-hour program is conducted in the simulation lab with high-fidelity simulators. Case-based scenarios and focused learning stations are utilized to teach the application of content and students develop skills in caring for the critically ill patient. Points of emphasis include mechanical ventilation; hemodynamic monitoring; arrhythmia interpretation; and priority setting and decision-making in a critical care setting. Team communication, ethical/legal implications, pharmacological and diagnostic implications are also included.)
Clinical Simulation in Nursing published by the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning
Simulation & Gaming, a SAGE journal